Alison's Secret Virtual Birthday — 2020 Edition

Thanks to everyone who attended! It went well, and was great to have essentially a party without the risk or cleaning up all the cake dishes!

Alison's (41st) birthday is on Thursday, 9 April. We obviously aren’t having a big party with guests here at the house, so here’s the plan if you wish to celebrate with us in any capacity.


Two activities, sort of as options. You can do both, more likely only one, or also… none:

  • 5 - 6 pm — Come by but keep your distance.

    • We’ll be inside, on the porch, on the deck or maybe in the orchard (the area by the treehouse, west of the driveway). Don’t come up to us. Stay in your car even if you want.

    • We’ll wave if you, yell from a distance etc. Tell us you are there by calling, texting, tagging us into photos, etc.

    • There will also be a large sign in the front yard. Large, can’t miss it. Feel free to come out, pose with it, take photos, etc.* Again, we won’t be there during this time period at all.

    • We MIGHT have treats or party favors (for kids) to give away as well. If there’s a table by the front walkway, read what it says.

  • 6 - 7 pm — Virtual party time.

    • Everyone who wants to, come and say hi, even if just for a few minutes.

    • We’ll be plugged in to — if it all works — the TV in the living room so you can see Alison, Steven, Graham, and the dog and cats if they cooperate.

    • Since I have used Skype well for years, gonna go with that.

    • Just like Zoom, all you need is this one link:

    • IF somehow it fails, this page will be updated and I’ll provide another method.

It’s not that secret:

Mostly, this will be a surprise to Alison that I have put anything together at all. Not a surprise-party secret.

Day-of, she’ll know the plan almost immediately, so you can begin to share anything you want.

But, we’re planning it with zero involvement from her, so a surprise today as I write this.

The part I really need your help with:

Pass it on! Even if you can’t come, I do not have good contact info for every one of her friends, so share this with everyone you think might care.

This page exists so the full instructions are available in a format everyone should be able to get to, even if you can only text them a link, etc. Share away, but don’t tell Alison.

This page will be updated if things change in any way as well, so less chance of forgetting that I told some people, but didn’t fix the FB invite, etc. etc.

No need to RSVP:

Just attend whichever you want, are comfortable with, and have time for. No need to tell me about it in advance.

But if you need to ask/tell me something, then:

Fine print:

All times Central Time, US. -6 GMT.

The yard sign is not ours. Don’t move it, write on it, break it, etc.

I am keeping the virtual session to about an hour just to avoid everyone thinking they have to show up for it all. We have no plans into the evening so anyone who wants can stick around longer or come back, or just call/facetime/etc with Alison directly later.

While the metro area is under a restricted contact order, the exemptions and amazing non-compliance of my neighbors made me not worry about the come-visit-with-no-contact portion. We recognize some may have other needs or opinions, but after some planning and sharing, this emerged as the best we can come up with to be as fully inclusive as possible.

With difficult shopping and reduced contact, we have no expectation much less demands for presents or cards at this time.

This is on the work website because there’s an access problem with the personal one now, so… yeah.

Steven Hoober